Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 11 thoughts (sorry I was out of town)

Missed class on Thursday because I was out of town for an internship so not much has changed since last weeks post. Sorry for the late blog, didn't have internet till I got back from Florida on Sunday.

What I learned:

Have to make sure I manage my time well. End of the semester is sneaking up fast and I'm barely done with one project so I have to make sure I'm staying focused and chugging through from here on out. The robotics is going good, it just takes a while so I'm going to start coming in extra to get some more work done outside of class.

What got me excited:

Basically finishing up the first project. Hopefully I can compete for fastest time for the line runner challenge, I've got everything working how I want finally so we'll see how it goes.


Can't really think of anything else that could change right now.

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